Ride Reports, Cycling

TCR, part 5: FIN

Part 6 of 6 in the series TCR #9

Just a day and a bit to go. I’d had my final sleep stop and now it was just the simple matter of an all-nighter to get me through to the finish line in Thessaloniki.

Between here and there lay CP4 in Meteora – the final control point – and finally the long parcours to the finish line. The layout of these brought riders tantalisingly close to Thessaloniki on their way from CP4 before whisking them further north to start the parcours.

In this final episode:

  • Trying and failing to fight drowsiness with Coke 🥱 (not that kind)
  • Losing motor function in my left hand 🤚
  • Being mobbed by supersonic flies 🪰

